In Oregon and Colorado, two bakeries refused to bake cakes for engaged couples. Yet for every state that celebrates marriage equality for its gay and lesbian citizens, there seems to be a correlating news story about businesses who refuse service to same-sex couples. Supreme Court refused to take up the case to hear challenges to the lower court’s ruling. In California, as you may recall, marriage equality was restored in June of 2013 when Proposition 8 was repealed after the U.S. Lawsuits have also been filed in Pennsylvania, Florida and West Virginia to challenge those states’ prohibition against marriage equality. If the decisions are upheld (both are being appealed), these states will join 16 others plus the District of Columbia that allow same-sex marriage. This has led to many wondering businesses can refuse service to same-sex couples. Recently, federal judges ruled that Oklahoma and Utah’s laws that limit marriage to one man and one woman violate the U.S. This is clear as state laws prohibiting same-sex marriage are held as unconstitutional. The walls barring gay men and women from getting married keep tumbling down across America. Click here for the 2020 update! Can Businesses Refuse Service to Same-Sex Couples?